
Refund Policy

Please Read Carefully before you Create Events
or Purchase Tickets on our Website.

Our policy regarding

Tickets Purchased

Insta-Tix has only an obligation to provide you with a digital ticket that you have purchased on our website without defect.  If you have any issues printing or tracking your ticket, or if there is an issue with the processing of your payment for a ticket purchased on our website, please contact us and we will assist in fixing your issue and providing you with the purchased product.

We are not responsible for refunding your purchase, or for any situation that may occur to cancel or reschedule your event.  The event organizer, listed in the event description, is responsible for any refund, exchange or rescheduling of your ticket that may be due.

Please understand we are a third-party ticket processor, and do not control the sales or management of any event.  After your ticket is produced on our site and payment is completed, the responsibility of managing the event is the sole responsibility of the organizer.

Our policy regarding

Event Organizers

By creating an event on our website, you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your event, the ticket transactions, any cancellations or rescheduling of the event, or any other occurrence that may alter the customer’s expectation of their transaction.

Insta-Tix’s only responsibility to you is collecting the money that a customer spends buying a ticket for an event you are hosting, and sending you the money collected after the event has finished – minus the fees as per our fee schedule.

By creating an event you are agreeing to provide your customers with contact information to reach you should a cancellation or re-scheduling of an event you are hosting occur.  You furthermore agree to refund to your purchasers any amounts due to them in event that you are not able to provide the service they have paid for.

Fees collected by us from your event sales are not refundable under any circumstance.  These fees are generated by our gateway processing service, and become part of the transaction. We do not collect the fees, they are deducted at the moment of transaction and never deposit to our account.  Once again,  FEES COLLECTED BY US FOR YOUR TICKET SALES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE TO YOU OR YOUR CUSTOMERS BY INSTA-TIX.  Using our website affirms consent to our policy and that you have read and understand this policy regarding refunds.
